Value as a TRUE from negative and positive numbers


i have requirement of two conditions,

  1. -0(minus zero) to all negative decimal value which give TRUE.
  2. 0(zero) to all Positive decimal value which give TRUE.

i also attached the snip of that.

can you guys please help me for this one.

Hi @robert12546358 ,

Could you explain what minus zero is?
I am having a hard time understanding what you want to achieve here.

Thanks for your reply.

I want collection a wall as per unique vector value.

  1. First group is vector value is 0.
  2. Second group is vector value is 1.
  3. Third group is vector value less than 0.0000 (decimal).
  4. Fourth group is vector value less than -0.0000 (negative decimal).

all above condition is my requirement.

Did you had a look here?

Yes i look at this. but my requirement is as below.

  1. First group is vector value is 0 (exact zero).
  2. Second group is vector value is 1 (exact one).
  3. Third group is vector value less than 0.0000 (decimal value not include exact zero).
  4. Fourth group is vector value less than -0.0000 (negative decimal value not include exact zero).

Hi @robert12546358 ,

Don’t you mean between 0 and 1 here?
If so, something like this should do the trick:

In == 0 ? "Group1" :
In == 1 ? "Group2" :
In > 0 && In < 1 ? "Group3" :
In < 0 ? "Group4" : "NA";

Thank you so much @Daan :+1: :+1: :+1: :grinning: :grinning: :grinning: