Trouble with Solid.DoesIntersect node

I’m creating a tool to update the Room Floor Finish parameter with information extracted from the floor modelled below the room. I’ve converted the selected rooms to solid geometry, translated it 10mm down, trying to cross reference it across a list of all the floors in the model (as solid geometry).

However the Orchid node Solid.DoesIntersect returns null or false.
I’ve set it to Cross Product lacing as I believe this is correct. I know that the selected rooms do indeed have floors modelled at the correct level etc.

It’s also throwing up the error Solid.DoesIntersect operation failed. This element kind is not supported.
But all inputs are Dynamo Solids.

EDIT: the OOTB Geometry.DoesIntersect node appears to behave correctly.
This is the problem with having too many packages loaded in, I couldn’t find the node!

Assuming you have room volume calculations on, I think you can query the bounding floor directly via Revit API, which will be orders of magnitude faster.

That sounds interesting, I’ll have to look into it!
In fairness, I’ve expanded this script to detect floors, ceilings, skirtings and doors, and update the revel at room parameters.
It took 47 seconds to update all ~80 rooms in the model, so not that bad in reality.

You put Solids into Elements (from Revit) input, don’t you? Also Orchid have excellent examples installation at Github, where you can see almost all Orchid’s nodes explained.
OrchidForDynamo/Samples at master · erfajo/OrchidForDynamo · GitHub

I had converted both the room and the floors to solids using the Element.Geometry node, but perhaps that wasn’t the right thing to do. Maybe only one of them should be converted.
Thanks, I’ll definitely look into their GitHub, its such an expansive package!
However, I think the OOTB node is actually achieving what I need for now.