To Find Joining Elements?

Hi Every one… any know how could i find the joining element
for example… I have 1 column with beam and floor joining it ( or attached to it)…how could i get the element id of that beam and floor?

Thanks in advance

Please attach what you tried and develop on what you found on this topic. You can type your keywords in the search tool like this:
You can also type “Dynamo joined elements” in Google.
If you need some basic understanding, here are useful links:

I am not looking for the way to "Join Element"
I am looking for the way to find the adjoining element…
…the root of problem is because I want Dynamo to run the Geometry intersection between column and their adjoining elements ( floors and beams) to get the concrete pouring level of the column (lowest Z point of the intersection)…so I’m wondering if dynamo could extract all the adjoining element so I don’t have to run the intersection of one column with all beams and floors which is very time consuming.

Do I have to tell you that “joined elements” does not have the same meaning than “join elements”?
Please try something from what is already available and come back with clearly illustrated issues that have not been resolved yet. :slightly_smiling_face:

This was the last post in the fourth result for the search which @Yna_Db posted previously.

I am fairly certain that will work for you. If not post the resulting issue and a sample file and your dyn (here or via another sharing method) so we can help you out better.


@bimweera have you viewed the link that you were provided above…?


You are looking for the get joined elements node in the rhythm package:

This is what the post I linked above indicated. Please spend some time reading over the responses to your questions, including all of the links which they contain, before reposting the same question a fourth time. I would refer you to item seven in the “how to get help” post.

thanks all of you !!