Swap values from one list to another - Intercambiar valores de una lista a otra

Good evening, please help, I need to exchange values ​​between these two lists, so that the numbers and letters are on the left and numbers and letters separated with a comma are on the right. Thanks for the help

Hello @joseluislopezfernand and welcome onboard …please keep in mind the community is in english…I have translated your headline for now…so in the future just use a translator [google etc] before post ;)) welcome

Erm, where are the lists?

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Any help, I will be grateful

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As @christian.stan suggested, String.Contains is the easiest way to handle this.

From your image it looks like you’re merging the lists in the result so just merge them for the conditional as well. If order doesn’t matter, then just join the two lists as-is. If order does matter, then use List.Transpose to get the indices paired together and then Flatten. From your combined list, List.FilterByBoolMask will return both lists as you want.

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