Sort list by sorted points

sorry I’m looking but how do I sort this list below how it was sorted by the Points.SortByXY node. Trying to sort view ports on a sheet left to right with all sorts of different shapes, sizes and numbers of viewports. Giving things a go but need to work that out first. I’m sure ive done it before :upside_down_face:

Get the X and Y points from the BoxCentre node, and use them as keys for a SortByKey node - make sure you’ve got the right levels set to suit your existing list nesting.

Thanks, not quite sure how to sort along x and y. Ended up doing it by a line on a sheet which gave an ok result with all the variations on other sheets

Change the list level key…


Hi! Which add-ons You used? I’m looking for option that could help me to sort the list of points by max X and then max Y.