Slice a list every time it contains a list of items

Hello, I am trying to split a list every time there are specific items with python, for example there is a list of strings composed by “cat”, “dog”, bird", “mouse” repeated many times and shifted randomly in the list, so each time the string cat and mouse appears, slice the list and create subgroup

I tested with this code but it is not exactly what I mean, but it gets the indices of the list of items

import clr
from Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry import *
#The inputs to this node will be stored as a list in the IN variables.

OUT = []

def tolist(obj):
	if hasattr(obj, "__iter__"):
		return obj
		return [obj]
items = tolist(IN[0])
for i in tolist(IN[1]):
	item1 = i
	indices = []
	for j in range(0, len(items)):
		item2 = items[j]
		if item1 == item2:

if len(OUT) == 1:
	OUT = OUT[0]

Like this I think?

import clr
from Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry import *
#The inputs to this node will be stored as a list in the IN variables.

OUT = []

def tolist(obj):
	if hasattr(obj, "__iter__"):
		return obj
		return [obj]	

items = tolist(IN[0])
splittingItems = tolist(IN[1])

outList = []
for splitter in splittingItems:
	i = 0
	while i < len(items):
		if items[i] == splitter:
			items[i] = [items[i]]
			i += 1	
			i += 1
OUT = items

Hope that works :slight_smile:


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very close, I am expecting to slice the list when those strings appear, but the subgroup would be comprised between the string item found until the next found in the list, the subgroups would be what I marked in red. Many thanks

in designscript I did it like this, but I need to do it in Python because it kills all memory RAM when list output results over million items

#slice list by key
t2=key list
slicedbykeytag = DSCore.List.Slice(t3, DSCore.List.AddItemToFront(0, t2), DSCore.List.AddItemToEnd(DSCore.List.Count(t3), t2), 1);

I tried to write this code in python node loading the designscript DSCore but I get a warning:

Warning: IronPythonEvaluator.EvaluateIronPythonScript operation failed. 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 134, in <module>
TypeError: expected Nullable[int], got ArrayList

I tried that as well but it feeds indices that are previously generated, and I got a warning

# Load the Python Standard and DesignScript Libraries
import sys
import clr
from Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry import *

# The inputs to this node will be stored as a list in the IN variables.
indices = IN[1]
input = IN[0]
splitbykey = []

reduce(lambda x, y: splitbykey.append(input[x:y]) or y, indices + [len(input)], 0)

OUT= splitbykey

There’s probably a more clever way to write this, but it should work:

# Enable Python support and load DesignScript library
import clr

# The inputs to this node will be stored as a list in the IN variables.
dataEnteringNode = IN

def tolist(obj):
	if hasattr(obj, "__iter__"):
		return obj
		return [obj]

def split_at_values(items, values):
    ot = []
    items = tolist(items)
    for index,item in enumerate(items):
        check = item in values
        if check and index==0:
            ot = [item]
            new_items = items[1:]
        elif check and index > 0:
            ot = items[:index+1]
            new_items = items[index+1:]
            new_items = [item]
    return ot, new_items
def split_list(items, values):
    ot = []
    i = 0
    while items and i < 100:
        i += 1
        check = [x for x in values if x in items]
        if check:
            split = split_at_values(items, values)
            items = split[1]
    return ot

items = tolist(IN[0])
splitting_items = tolist(IN[1])

# Assign output
OUT = split_list(items, splitting_items)

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I found this python function, it works as charm:

indices = IN[1]
list = IN[0]

from itertools import izip, chain
def partition(list, indices):
    pairs = izip(chain([0], indices), chain(indices, [None]))
    return (list[i:j] for i, j in pairs)

OUT = partition(list, indices)

Similar situation found in this post. Might be simpler since you can define your “break” items separately.

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I tried it before writting this new post but it seems I did something wrong with it, many thanks

It would have to be modified to match your condition, but that’s fine. Just suggesting another option.

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well this last script is not doing all the process I wanted because I have to write more python code to feed the input of indexes, which match with a list of search inputs wanted, so in reality my code is quite longer but I would like it shortened, but still learning

That’s where I think you could bypass the index part and just look for matches directly.

what I see in the output list is not correct…because only a sublist can start with cat and dog strings, did not work

An alternative:

def group(lst,criteria):
    out = []
    it = iter(lst)
    for i in lst:
        if next(it) in criteria: out.append([i])
        else: out[-1].append(i)
    return out

OUT = group(IN[0],IN[1])

If I’m reading this right, it only works for groups of 2. However, I used your idea of using iter:

def split_list(items, values):
    ot = []
    idx = [i for i,v in enumerate(items) if v in values]+[None]
    it = iter(idx)
    return [items[i:next(it)] for j,i in enumerate(idx) if j != len(idx)-1]

I don’t have Revit readily available, so here’s a screenshot in the stock Python shell:

Actually I guess since I’m using enumerate the iter is superfluous. Also forgot to take out the ot from before I put in the list comprehension as the return value.

def split_list(items, values):
    idx = [i for i,v in enumerate(items) if v in values]+[None]
    return [items[i:idx[j+1]] for j,i in enumerate(idx) if j != len(idx)-1]

Okay, okay, I’m done after this one. This is more straight forward to read.

def split_list(items, values):
    idx = [i for i,v in enumerate(items) if v in values]+[None]
    z = zip(idx,idx[1:])
    return [items[i:j] for i,j in z]

I get this warning

it seems it works great, but for some reason I noticed that the first sublist generated disappeared, and the rest of the original list seems same, I mean if your original list does not start with the key, you lose the subgroup with items until you get the first key, so I would have to start the original list with a key to do not lose items

Try this one:

def group(lst,criteria):
    out = []
    it = iter(lst)
    for i in lst:
        if next(it) in criteria:
            try: out[-1].append(i)
            except: out.append([i])
    return out

thank you very much, second time in a week you give me great answer

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another solutions with

  • a python generator
  • a recursive function

python generator

import sys

def r_split(lst):
    out = []
    for i in lst:
        if i in s_values:
            yield out
            out = []
    if out:
        yield out
input_lst = IN[0]
s_values = IN[1]

OUT = list(r_split(input_lst))

recursive function

import sys

def r_split2(lst):
        min_idx = min(lst.index(x) for x in s_values if lst.count(x) > 0)
    except Exception as ex:
        return [lst] if lst else []
    out, rest = lst[:min_idx  + 1], lst[min_idx  + 1:]
    return [out] + r_split2(rest)
input_lst = IN[0]
s_values = IN[1]

OUT = r_split2(input_lst)