
I tried to create a shared parameter script but the end result is null.
Thank you

paramétres partagées.xlsx (15.7 KB)
Create Shared Parameters from Excel .dyn (22.4 KB)

Hi Rahmeni,

Please read the following post How to get help on the Dynamo forums

There are know issues with Excel and Dynamo try the alternative Data.OpenXMLImportExcel node (see also here)

Screenshots with information pinned also assists the forum members understand your problem

Also I would look for a Revit add in to transfer shared parameters if that is your intent

Onto your graph…
The list clean / transpose breaks the information - you will need to fix the Excel


Looking at the Excel
Repeated names will possibly create multiple shared parameters with different GUIDs
Fix the blanks

Remove the header (Row 1 in Excel)

This will not work

What I would suggest is that you will need to build some dictionaries

Make sure your group names are in the current shared parameter file

Thanks so much