Hi Everyone, I am trying to create a script that takes the area of a room and sets it to a custom shared parameter in the apartment area. This works fine if the room occurs in all apartment types but where, for instance, “Kitchen / Living / Dining” occurs in one flat per level I get lists of unequal length. The sample model I am using to test this has 3 apartments per level and only one apartment per level has the Kitchen / Living / Dining room.
I thought I would be able to set parameter values by key, using dictionaries, as both the areas and rooms share a common Apartment Reference shared parameter. But I cannot fathom how to add values from one list of 1 item to a list containing 3 values.
I also want the other values to display as 0 in the for where the room does not exist on the level.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks, Howard