Appreciate in advance any help that people have, I’m on my third week of Dynamo and third day of using Python nodes …
I have a script to automate setting up interior elevation sheets, the last major hurdle is getting the linestyle set in the “donut” filled region that hides the adjacent walls etc. It’s important that this be a filled region, not a crop override. The regions are outputted as list, and inputting it into Filled Region Linstyle node from Maco4Bim and GeniusLoci without success. I also tried using a python script from Jean from the below thread, but only change the active view, or all regions of the type, but not a specific list of regions.
I’ve attempted to adapt the python script from the above to iterate the SetLineStyleID over the list of regions, but I get the error ElementId object has no attribute ‘SetLineStyleID’. How do I get the Filled Regions elements to use the SetLineStyleID method? Or is this breaking in some other way?
import clr
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager
from RevitServices.Transactions import TransactionManager
doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument
frList = IN[0]
lineId = UnwrapElement(IN[1]).Id
res = []
for i in range(0,len(frList)):
frtId = UnwrapElement(frList[i]).Id
i += 1
OUT = res
Crop LW Attempts.dyn (94.5 KB)
Int Elev Revit.rvt (1.2 MB)