Set external block reference dynamic property

Thanks a lot you save me my day.,:+1::wink:
An other question, i dont find externalblocreference .dynamicproperties., do we can use the ootb for externalblocreference? Or i have to concert to camber object before?

Thanks a lot

Is this what you’re looking for?


No exactly, i want to set externalblockreference

I’m sorry, I don’t fully understand what your goal is. Some screenshots might help.

sorry for my bad explanation, i was replying on my smartphone :slight_smile: , i search this node but in external

Ah, I understand new. Unfortunately that is not implemented in Camber :confused:

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In the near futur ? or is there similar node ?
do you know how can i get the C# language from this OOTB node “BlockReference.setDynamicPropertybyName”?

I don’t have the bandwidth to incorporate this into Camber at this time, so there are no plans. However, I’ll remind you that Camber is open source and PRs with improvements are welcome :+1:

No, the source code for OOTB nodes is not available.

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