I’m currently facing challenges in selecting and targeting individual rebars within a set programmatically.
I have attached dynamo graph and python script which am currently using.
If anyone have an idea related to this, much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
My inputs : Select rebar set = IN[0]
Rebar Index = IN[1]
Dimension & vector = IN[2]
# Import the necessary Revit and Dynamo libraries
import clr
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager
from RevitServices.Transactions import TransactionManager
doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument
# Input parameters
rebarSet = UnwrapElement(IN[0]) # Rebar set element (input as a single element)
barIndex = IN[1] # Index of the rebar to move (input as an integer)
movementVector = IN[2] # Movement vector (input as a Dynamo vector)
# Start a transaction
# Function to move a specific index bar in a rebar set
def moveBarAtIndex(rebarSet, index, movementVec):
# Get the rebar set element as a Revit element
rebarSetElem = doc.GetElement(rebarSet.Id)
# Get the rebars in the rebar set
rebarIds = rebarSetElem.GetMemberIds()
# Check if the index is within range
if index < len(rebarIds):
rebarId = rebarIds[index]
rebar = doc.GetElement(rebarId)
rebarLocationCurve = rebar.Location # Get the location curve of the rebar
rebarLocation = rebarLocationCurve.Curve.GetEndPoint(0) # Get the start point of the rebar
# Move the rebar
newRebarLocation = rebarLocation.Add(movementVec.ToXyz())
return True
return False
except Exception as ex:
return str(ex)
# Move the specified index bar in the rebar set
success = moveBarAtIndex(rebarSet, barIndex, movementVector)
# Output the success status or error message
OUT = success
I want to move one particular rebar in a rebar set by selecting via dynamo. I tried many ways but still can’t find the perfect one. If anyone has any ideas, please share them. Thanks!
Thank you for your reply Joe. I used this method to move but still can’t get the desired result. And i am not expert with python. I have attached my current image of graph and python code. Am i missing anything in this code?
import clr
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager
from RevitServices.Transactions import TransactionManager
doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument
# Function to find rebar in rebar set by unique id
def find_rebar_in_set(rebar_set, rebar_id):
for rebar in rebar_set.GetRebarsInSystem():
if rebar.UniqueId == rebar_id:
return rebar
return None
# Input variables
rebar_set = UnwrapElement(IN[0]) # Rebar set element
rebar_id_to_move = IN[1] # UniqueId of the rebar to move
move_vector = XYZ(100, 0, 0) # Example: move 100 units in the X direction
# Start transaction
# Find the rebar in the rebar set
rebar_to_move = find_rebar_in_set(rebar_set, rebar_id_to_move)
if rebar_to_move:
# Get the location of the rebar
location = rebar_to_move.Location
# Check if the location is a curve (curve-driven rebar)
if isinstance(location, LocationCurve):
# Get the curve of the rebar
curve = location.Curve
translation = Transform.CreateTranslation(move_vector)
elif isinstance(location, LocationPoint):
# For rebar with point location (not curve driven)
# Get the point and create a new point with the translation
point = location.Point
new_point = XYZ(point.X + move_vector.X, point.Y + move_vector.Y, point.Z + move_vector.Z)
location.Point = new_point
raise Exception("Rebar with ID {} not found in the rebar set.".format(rebar_id_to_move))
# Commit the transaction to save changes
# Output success message
OUT = "Rebar moved successfully."
except Exception as ex:
# Handle any exceptions and roll back the transaction if necessary
OUT = str(ex)
Hi, I’m using the script below to select the Rebar set in Dynamo that has an ID. Nevertheless, unable to pick and move the particular rebar. I’ve used the MoveBarInSet technique and tried a lot of different approaches, but I still haven’t found the ideal answer. I would be grateful if someone could provide a better solution to this problem. Regards!
# Import necessary libraries
import clr
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import ElementId
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager
from RevitServices.Transactions import TransactionManager
from System.Collections.Generic import List
from Autodesk.Revit.UI import TaskDialog
# Define a function to select the rebar set by its ID
def select_rebar_set_by_id(revit_doc, ui_doc, rebar_id):
element_id = ElementId(int(rebar_id))
rebar_element = revit_doc.GetElement(element_id)
if rebar_element is not None:
element_ids = List[ElementId]()
TaskDialog.Show("Rebar Selection", f"Rebar with ID {rebar_id} has been selected.")
return True
TaskDialog.Show("Rebar Selection", f"No Rebar with ID {rebar_id} found.")
return False
except Exception as e:
TaskDialog.Show("Error", f"Exception: {str(e)}")
return False
# Main function to execute the selection
def main(rebar_id):
# Get the current Revit document and UI document from Dynamo
revit_doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument
ui_doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentUIApplication.ActiveUIDocument
# Ensure we're in a transaction
# Select the rebar set by ID
result = select_rebar_set_by_id(revit_doc, ui_doc, rebar_id)
# Commit the transaction
return result
# Input parameter (rebar ID) from Dynamo
rebar_id = IN[0]
# Run the main function with the input parameter
OUT = main(rebar_id)
I apologize for leaving this hanging. I tried to make this work but I got stuck.
I think you are misunderstanding how Revit element ID’s work.
A rebar set is a single Revit element. The bars are not separate elements. The code you need is actually much simpler. Once you select a rebar (set) element to work with, you then apply the MoveBarInSet method.
Of course, even though it seems like it should be simple, I couldn’t figure out how to provide a “Transform” to the method, because the data type of the vector is “Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector” and couldn’t be passed directly to the MoveBarInSet method or the Transform Class… It took a lot of hacking around for me to figure it out.
I think this will get you what you want.
import clr
from Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry import *
#Import RevitAPI for Rebar Control
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *
from Autodesk.Revit.DB.Structure import *
import RevitServices
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager
from RevitServices.Transactions import TransactionManager
#Assign Inputs and Output
rebar_sets = UnwrapElement(IN[0]) # Rebar set elements
rebar_id_to_move = IN[1] # IntegerId of the rebar to move
move_vector = IN[2]
move_transform = Transform.CreateTranslation(move_vector.ToXyz())
# Get the current Revit document and UI document from Dynamo
revit_doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument
ui_doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentUIApplication.ActiveUIDocument
rebar_sets.MoveBarInSet(rebar_id_to_move, move_transform)
As far as the error you were getting, the method you were trying to use is only applicable to Area/Path reinforcing elements (different than rebar elements in Revit):
“A RebarInSystem element is part of another element, the “system”, which controls most of its properties. The system elements are AreaReinforcement and PathReinforcement.”
If you spend some time at RevitAPIDocs, it will help you understand the Object Model better.
For your initial question, you were feeding your script an integer which was the index of the specific bar you wanted to move. I think if your intent is to pick a specific “bar” to move using selection methods via dynamo, that is going to be your next challenge.
As previously stated, a Rebar set is a single element, so the “select element” methods available to you in Dynamo will NOT give you the index of a specific bar, just the whole rebar set element.
I’m going to have to give that some thought… Probably either picking an edge or face and trying to find out bar it belongs to? getting a point in space and finding the index of the closest bar?
This script is truly outstanding. You’ve hit the mark perfectly! It’s working exceptionally well for me, and I’ve made a few slight adjustments to tailor it to my specific needs. I’m genuinely grateful for your willingness to share your expertise. Keep going…
# Assign Inputs and Outputs
rebar_sets = UnwrapElement(IN[0]) # Rebar set elements
rebar_id_to_move = IN[1] # IntegerId of the rebar to move
move_distance_mm = IN[2] # Distance to move in millimeters
direction_vector = IN[3] # Direction vector as an XYZ in millimeters
# Convert the distance and direction vector directly, assuming Revit uses millimeters
# Create the translation vector by scaling the direction vector with the distance
move_vector = XYZ(
direction_vector.X * move_distance_mm,
direction_vector.Y * move_distance_mm,
direction_vector.Z * move_distance_mm
My Python is WAAYYY more basic than yours, I have learned from your scripts as well- nicely commented, organized- and I think I’m going to try to incorporate more error handling in my own in the future.
Please keep sharing your work here- Rebar elements are strange beasts from a Revit data structure standpoint, and there’s not a lot of info out there on how to work with them… (well. compared to other things in Dynamo). We all can benefit from more interesting stuff being done.
I appreciate the feedback and will definitely keep sharing. Rebar elements can be tricky, and it’s great to have a community where we can all learn from each other.