Select Revit Elements by Parameter Name/value - Duct System Type

Why I’m not able to select these elements with “ElementFilter.ByparameterStringValue” System Type = AHU 1 SAD
But when I’m trying with System Abbreviation Parameter its working fine.

System Type.dyn (10.8 KB)

The System Type value is actually an element. The user readable value shows the element name but it’s stored as an element Id. For that reason, you need to provide the System Type element to the filter value so that the node compares elements to elements and not strings to elements.

You can do this by getting a list of system types in your project and filtering by element name. This allows you to provide the string value but return the element for use with the filter.

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which node can show me a list of System Types?

And tell me Is there any DuctSystemType.ByName node available?
This is what I get from ChatGPT

Q1 - To get a list of duct system types in Revit using Dynamo, you can use the “DuctSystemType.ByName” node. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Open a new Dynamo script in Revit.
  2. Drag and drop the “DuctSystemType.ByName” node onto the canvas.
  3. Connect the output of this node to a “List.Map” node.
  4. In the “DuctSystemType.ByName” node, enter the name of the duct system type you want to retrieve or leave it blank to get all types.
  5. Run the script to get a list of duct system types matching the specified name, or all types if the name is blank.

Note that the “DuctSystemType.ByName” node returns a list of duct system types that match the specified name. If you leave the name blank, it will return all duct system types. You can then use this list for further processing in your Dynamo script.

Q2 - The “DuctSystemType.ByName” node is part of the standard Dynamo Revit package, which is installed by default when you install Revit.

To use this node, you can simply open a new Dynamo script in Revit, navigate to the “Revit” tab in the node library, and then drag and drop the “DuctSystemType.ByName” node onto the canvas.

If you don’t see the “DuctSystemType.ByName” node in your node library, you can try updating your version of Dynamo and/or Revit to make sure you have the latest packages installed. You can also search for the node in the package manager and download it manually if necessary.

To search for and download packages in Dynamo, you can click on the “Packages” button in the top menu bar, and then search for the package you need in the package manager. Once you find the package, you can click the “Download” button to install it.

Be sure to do some searching on your own before just following up with a question. You may have to search for general use cases, but there are usually existing posts in the forum that can get you the information you’re after.

You can get project system types with Element Types (Element Classes in the latest version).

As for ChatGPT, it can be helpful for figuring out general logic but it will give you tons of inaccurate or just plain wrong details about specifics. If you’re not finding something that ChatGPT gave you it probably doesn’t exist.


Try using this way hope it works for you.

Hi @Saibal_Sarkar and welcome…and if you wanna get rid of these warning you could try as here…
or group sort them before getparameterbyname…

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