Select element in revit model

i think that this topic would better fit in a session like “dynamo ideas” than this normal doubt free forum. However i need to say that.

What if we could select a element in revit just by clicking in a random element id in a list?
Now when i want to query specific elements in revit i get that element id in dynamo and manually type it in manage> select element by ID > Write the Id of the element in the box…

I don’t know if that is possible to implement in dynamo, but i think it would be really amazing!

Thank you all that makes this forum this awesome Place

It won’t select. It will only zoom to a position near the element. And most times it is not usefull…

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Springs.SelectInRevit node should do this. You can use a List.GetItemAtIndex node and an integer slider for getting individual items from a list.


That’s usefull, and that solves the problem. However… i think that it should be a default thing in dynamo, so that we wouldn’t need to use a node for that purpose.

It’s just a suggestion anyway…

Thanks Jacob!

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