Script enters endless loop when selecting multiple elements

yes, I am toggling the boolean node each time. Are you sure id dont have to run the code block? that you have in your graph. Have you tried using the exact graph that I uploaded?

The element selection is not the issue. It’s list structure. The quickest fix is to just repeat your parameters for each element. The way you have it set currently doesn’t iterate through all the parameters for all the elements.

I dont think your script is working either. Something weird is going on.

I think it’s just a sequence issue. The GetParameter node is running before all the parameters are being set. You could probably fix it with a wait node, but the function still gets carried out.

I still cant get it to work. I noticed that you are not using the Springs current selection node. Can you get it to work using that node? whenever i run it in dynamo, it never ends, whenever I run it in Dynamo player it will run, except it gives all elements that last element’s ID number.

Switched over to the Springs Selection node and it still works. Can you confirm the the node is returning the elements you’ve selected?

No its not. Please see my previous screenshot where I froze everything but that node.

Try pulling the python block out and using that instead of the actual node. That should return any errors. How many elements do you have selected?

How do I “(pull) the python block out and using that instead of the actual node”? I am just selecting 2 elements.

Righ-click the custom node to Edit. Then copy and paste the python block into your graph.