Script 2nd run altering results of the 1st run

Try upgrading to the latest Dynamo build 2.0.2 and see if that fixes it.

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Roger that!

It solved the speed error! thanks for that. I am getting a new error now.

Warning: Sheet.ByNameNumberTitleBlockAndViews operation failed.
View 0 could not be packed on the Sheet. The sheet is 1.41666666666666 x 0.91666666666667 and the view to be added is 0.407291666666668 x 0.983473154687024.

Did you experienced that?

Nope - maybe the view offset related?

No I think the problem is my python node. Is not feeding the vectors in the correct order as the views are requesting it. Mind sharing yours?

mine is:

import clr 
from Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry import *  
# Import ToDSType(bool) extension method
import Revit
# Import DocumentManager and TransactionManager 
import RevitServices from RevitServices.Persistence 
import DocumentManager from RevitServices.Transactions 
import TransactionManager   from System.Collections.Generic import *  
# Import RevitAPI clr.AddReference("RevitAPI") 
import Autodesk  

doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument 
uiapp = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentUIApplication 
app = uiapp.Application  

#The inputs to this node will be stored as a list in the IN variable. 
pcE = IN[0] 
PCtransforms = [] 
PClocations = [] 

if isinstance(pcE,(list,)): 
  for i in pcE: 
    e = UnwrapElement(i) 
    tbX = e.GetTotalTransform().BasisX 
    vecX = Vector.ByCoordinates(tbX.X, tbX.Y, tbX.Z) 
    tbY = e.GetTotalTransform().BasisY 
    vecY = Vector.ByCoordinates(tbY.X, tbY.Y, tbY.Z) 
    tbZ = e.GetTotalTransform().BasisZ 
    vecZ = Vector.ByCoordinates(tbZ.X, tbZ.Y, tbZ.Z) 
    r.append([vecX, vecY, vecZ]) 
  e = UnwrapElement(pcE) 
  tbX = e.GetTotalTransform().BasisX 
  vecX = Vector.ByCoordinates(tbX.X, tbX.Y, tbX.Z)
  tbY = e.GetTotalTransform().BasisY 
  vecY = Vector.ByCoordinates(tbY.X, tbY.Y, tbY.Z) 
  tbZ = e.GetTotalTransform().BasisZ 
  vecZ = Vector.ByCoordinates(tbZ.X, tbZ.Y, tbZ.Z) 
  r.append([vecX, vecY, vecZ]) 

#Assign your output to the OUT variable 

OUT = r

Them I grab each list of vectors with:


respectively on DS code nodes. Where a is the list from the python node.

there is an alternative

Hi Marcel, I was just thinking of that! Thanks for the tip! I will be sure to give it a try!

hi @lucaspfmoreira

try this node:


Hi, I will! Thanks, I appreciate the help!