Scopebox along path

Hi All,

Is there way to create scopebox at fix interval on polyline?

I got 6 km long line and I want to creat scopebox at every 100m interval. Line is not straight.

Is there solution?

Please help if if there is possibilities to solve problem?

Not possible in Revit API. So unfortunately no.

Would this be possible with cropboxes?

Sorry didn’t get you. Could you please elaborate more?

If they have a scope box in the model, couldn’t that be copied and then adjusted? I know direct creation isnt available, but I believe you can copy them yes?

Yes you can copy them.

Sorry for late reply but I m trying to place scopebox box in model but I think Revit API not allowed to do that


i was wondering if those scopeboxes would be used for adjusting the views for those points, if so, if you could use cropboxes instead to adjust the view as cropboxes can be rotated too.

Yes you can there’re many examples on forum how to rotate cropbox.