Room location centering

Hello People,

Can somebody help me with this script? I try to move my room location to the center of the room.

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Hello @canx0038,

Which package does your Room.CentreLocation node come from? :slight_smile:

As an alternative, you can download the BVN package and check out their node that does the same.

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From Parametric Monkey :slight_smile:

I cant understand BVN package; image
How can I work with it?

Rhythm also has a node that centers the room called Rooms.CenterRoom. Do keep in mind rooms that are not square in shape the room center point might not locate to a true center point.
Hope this helps!


Hey Patrick

Thanks for the help! But when I try it, there come this warning.

and I have rooms with different shape?

Warning: Your inputs lie outside of the allowable modeling range, consider choosing the Large setting with a modeling range between 0.01 and 1,000,000 from the “Settings => Geometry Working Range” dialog

And yes, I have change the Geometry Working Range, but stay failed.

Sorry but I cant upload my project. :confused:

I am new here in the dynamo forum and dynamo self. Some people just wanna help over the forum. But perfect, I will send the fill over we transfer to your mail okay?
-Thank for the help.

Or use Wetransfer and send the files to your own email adress, you will recieve an email with the link to the files in it, copy that and post the link’s url here.

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