Revit API create wall

Here are 3 of the create wall with different overloads.

IList means the curves must form a closed loop?
Does this mean I can’t use the 5 input version for a single wall?

The 6 input version has XYZ normal… When would a wall not have this?

5 &6 are for wall by profile. So yes, you can create a single wall with it.

The profile needs to be in elevation of course.

What’s cool with those overloads is, if you provide a typical wall shape (square or rectangle), it doesn’t show as a profile wall after creation. It’s modifiable like a normal wall. (Or at least that’s how I recall it working)

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Ahhhh!!! Thank you!

Can’t believe I missed the word, ‘profile’. :smile:

Also, I didn’t “recognise” you there… New picture :astonished: and new words. Congrats on the new job :slight_smile:

What about the XYZ?

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Thank you! Finally changed form the south park profile picture. :sweat_smile:

I believe XYZ is facing orientation of the profile wall.


You mean for creating sloped walls?

I don’t think so. But I’m not too sure. I think it’s just for a flipped facing scenario

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