I’m looking to search a category of ‘Rooms’, then based around the parameter of ‘Required Area’, filter out the values hitting ‘zero’ (0.000m²) and replace those values with a non-value, or null value. The ‘Required Area’ is a calculated value that is based off what is real in the model vs. what is required by the employer.
It has an added complexity of being a Calculated Value, which by default until we input ‘Employers Required Area’ is ‘null’, but as soon as you put anything in it populates with a number. If you remove said ‘Employers Required Area’, the value reverts to 0.000m² and not null.
Am I approaching it correctly? I’m a little stumped.
I have had issues with trying to set a null value. But here is a workflow below that will get the indices of your (0.000m²) value and replace them. Either with blank or null.(Someone else may have to weigh in on the feasibility of the null value.)
So it’s an Area, not a string. Most likely this is the issue My original thought process was going down the null value path as I originally thought an empty string wouldn’t cut it… but tried anyway.
It sounds like you are trying to revert it back to the original value that is created when the parameter is. In Revit if I add an area and attempt to delete it, I receive this error. The API gurus may have to weigh in on this one. You could create a new parameter (parameter2) and filter out the 0.00 values then set the modified ones from parameter1 (original). Then discard the original.
It seems like some of the users in the project edited the value then changed there mind?
Whole MEP world is awaiting this… as those zeros are messing up colouring scheme and more items…
another idea I have is Dynamo script that remove parameter from project and insert again but all coloring schemes need to be apply again. I log a ticket at Autodesk but is quite. Please hep me to get it momentum on that
I added it to the wish list item CF-3558 [API wish: create colouring scheme with full access to control RGB colors] to make the development