Reordering sublists

I need to rearrange the sublist of points where the fourth point is the first and so on so,

4th point-1st point

3rd point-2nd point

2nd point-3rd point

1st point-4th point


3 becomes 0

<!–StartFragment–>2becomes 2

<!–EndFragment–><!–StartFragment–>1becomes 3

<!–EndFragment–><!–StartFragment–>0becomes 4

but it still remains in the nested sub list the way it is

<!–EndFragment–> I really need help from the forum on how to do it. Thanks in advance


Building up on Organon’s post, if you want to use a custom order for each sub-list and not just reverse them, you could use the “Reorder” node. The node solution for rank 3 lists is not very elegant - you have to use chained “List.Map” nodes. So you might prefer to use it with replication guides as demonstrated above:

Thanks guys