Removing duplicate families from project

I believe Archi-Lab has nodes to get all warnings in a project.
With that you can get the pair(s) of all element IDs in each group of duplicates. Use a select by ID node to accomplish this.
Once done you can grab the second elements and delete them.

Personally I do this manually in the project to ensure nothing was being lost, as I have seen users put parameter data into duplicate #2 and different data into duplicate number #3, creating a ‘which one do we keep’ situation that requires manual review of some sort, and even instances being duplicated but not where a different version of the family was atop the other. You can set up a schedule grouping by a parameter containing the XYZ values of each location as a string (easy to assign to elemetns in a schedule view) to simplify this - in fact when done you can actually delete elements in the schedule view directly when desired.