Hi everyone!
I’ve peaked inside the Select Elements (ordered) node in spring nodes. and I was just wondering if anyone know how to apply a highlighting during picking of the elements? I’ve tried adding uidoc.RefreshActiveView() and ShowElements(elems) but for no success.
Not sure if that’s possible with the current functionality provided by the API. If you’re worried that you’re going to pick an object twice, you could instead first check if your return list already contains that object before adding it. You could also try to implement the “ISelectionFilter” class and use that to exclude pre-selected elements.
Yes, Yes I am. That node is in a package?
My Favorite @john_pierson “Rhythm Package”.
Hah, that’s the PickObject S method. I thought you were interested in the ordered selection node because you want to preserve the order of your selection. If that’s not the case and you just want to select multiple elemnts, you can either adapt the PickObjects method or try something like the “Collector.CurrentSelection” node. With it, you can pick objects in whichever method you want and won’t have to press the finish button once done.
As Dimitar is saying I was looking for the ordered selection, but for now I’ll mark your answer as solution, @Kulkul. Thanks everybody!