Python functionality in Dynamo

Bit of a gripe, or maybe there’s a function I’m unaware of (I hope)…

In Dynamo I have a perfectly fine looking bit of code:

However, I get an indent error, which I get a lot…

I constantly have Visual Studio open which instantly shows me where the issue is:


And in VS I can really easily shift +tab…

Any chance this functionality can be added to the Python window in Dynamo?

Please submit this as an Idea to the roadmap, I think it would be a good idea to make the Python node in to a better “IDE”
Roadmap - Dynamo BIM

How do you submit an idea, that link takes me to the roadmap and shows me what they’re doing / not doing. I couldn’t see anywhere to submit.

Don’t you have the button in the upper right corner?

Do you know if there is any special demands to be able to Submit ideas to the roadmap?@zachri.jensen @jacob.small

Tbh it’s probably my browser… I get a lot of vanishing stuff.

I can fix the submitting to the road map if you want me to.

Thanks, my usual work around worked:

I think it’s got something to do with my cache… but further than that I have no clue why it does this.

I have loads of issues with wikipedia.

I submitted it

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Me too :smiley:

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It is your cache. Clear it out and you should be fine. Stop trying to eat the cookies to prevent the issue from recurring; they aren’t tasty anyway.

Switching on the 'show white space" in your Python preferences makes finding these pretty easy, though not as easy as VS as Dynamo’s editor doesn’t check the code until it attempts to execute (otherwise it’d have to periodically call the functions you’re building which would eventually crash Revit/Civil/Dynamo).


I cleared my cache last week and I regretted it… All my lovely cookies gone and I had to dredge my memory for passwords…

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it has a feature that was recently added


Use this comment as an “I hate being forced to use spaces” button.

(Hate from space bar losers incoming in 3,2,1…)



Count me in.

  • 4x the file size for formatting
  • Increased compiler time
  • Increased memory consumption
  • Increased accessibility for people using screen readers (some of which are limited to 12 characters, and white spaces count)

The only ‘benefit’ I have seen for spaces is that they ensure consistency across environments - a space in notepad is the same dimension as a space in VisualStudio as a space in the Dynamo Python Ecitor is the same as a web page… but even that isn’t true as people can (and will) adjust kerning and font selection, so… yeah.

I would be happy if the ‘paste’ command forced tabs to become spaces, but until then I’ll point out that we aren’t being as welcoming as we could to all any time the topic comes up.