Proper methods for transaction in Revit

Hello fellow zero touch developers,

What is the proper way to complete a transaction in Revit (in a dynamo zero-touch node)? I have seen these but not sure what the difference is? Does it matter which set of methods/commands I use in my zero touch nodes? Cannot find any api documention for RevitServices that explains this…

Any explanation would be appreciated. Thanks!


Document doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument;
using (Transaction t = new Transaction(doc))
    //perform some task in current Revit file

or this?

Document doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument;            
//do something in Revit here

This might be helpful:

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Also refer to the following

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Thanks @salvatoredragotta. Is there documentation for how to do this in C#? I am working primarily in C# for zero-touch node development. Thanks for any input.

check the revit api documentation website
there are plenty of examples in C#