Point cloud or Obj in Revit using Dynamo

I am a new user of Dynamo in Revit. I would like to insert a .las or .pts point cloud in Revit using Dynamo. Can you help me, where can I start?. I know there are some add-ons in dynamo from Sastrugi or GIS2BIM. But it stills not clear how I can add the point cloud in Revit.
Thank you very much for your answer.


what do want to do? i just know the import via .e57 that imports the pointcloud.



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With this is just possible to insert rcp* file (Recap format) in Revit. I do not have Recap. Therefore, I am thinking if it is possible to use Dynamo for that.

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I have to pass. I have no idea…

Yes unfortunately Dynamo packages aren’t really there to import point cloud files, but work with them. If you’re a scan2bim service like your username suggests I’d say just investing in Recap is the best choice for streamlined results and actually having a native point cloud viewer/processor. The license cost of Revit vs AEC collection (which includes Revit, Recap, AutoCAD, Navisworks) etc. is also typically worth looking into as well as more than one product offsets the cost and then some.

Unless yer a pirate of course… yar matey.


Hi @GavinCrump I just want to insert a small point cloud under 1 GB in Revit. I know recap well. I want to insert a small point cloud or a mesh as Obj from smartphone to Revit without using recap.
Can you help me, where can I start?.

You can use Python to import pts file to the dynamo not revit. but also you can insert it into revit family. Incase you need insert to the revit, import it into recap then export *.rcp file as @Draxl_Andreas and @GavinCrump wrote.


Pretty much what @RMohareb said, and he is a resident expert on point cloud/Dynamo here so I trust his judgement as well. Generally I recommend against trying to replace apps with programs like Dynamo unless you are actually using Dynamo itself - you’ll spend more time working around the program than just the time it takes to afford such a platform as Recap I’d say. Alternatively, you could look into Volvox for Rhino then use Rhino Inside to generate adaptive components at points in Revit but it’d probably be quite slow/clunky.


@RMohareb thank you for your answer. I am thinking to insert a small point cloud or the mesh from it without using recap. This what I try to know how I can do it?

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@Scan2BIM i agree with @GavinCrump. the best workflow for you to convert pts to rcp by using recap. then use @Ewan_Opie pakedge to convert it to dynmao point.

In case you need to do that with out use recap then you can use the below code:

Read_Point_Cloud.dyn (23.8 KB)

Again, that is not the best workflow. what @GavinCrump wrote is the best workflow in your case.


@Scan2BIM Out of curiosity, what is the small mesh representing?

Have you done any processing outside of the Autodesk EcoSystem of software, as to refine your data or simplify it for better performance before it reaches the Revit environment? Is it actually best suited for being used as a Revit Family, etc…

Can you provide a sample?


@Ewan_Opie I mean with small Obj under 100 Mb image|690x366

For such a small data sample I would do some processing outside Dynamo/Revit first.

Step 1, would be to simplify the obj mesh using meshlab (or a similar program… there are many) , merging coplanar faces, repairing holes, and reducing the overall face triangle count. You would need to get the balance right for your use case further along the process within Revit (does the object representation still meet the end goal), as inserting elements (or multiple elements) which comprise of many faces can have a detrimental effect on Revits performance.

Step 2, would just then be inserting the optimised obj into a Family Template via conventional workflows, and orienting it as required.

Using Dynamo to manipulate and optimise point cloud / mesh data can be done, is lots of fun to do, and benefits some workflows by communicating directly with Revit, but always ask the question of ‘Is this the best tool for the job?’ :wink:

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