PDF print node by Archi-Lab Ignores printer and print range

@gregoriosaura @viktor_kuzev @timhevel

Hey All!!

@gregoriosaura I copied your dyn workflow and added the flatten nodes after the “views” and “printsettings” nodes but the pdfs are still being created at the same size (it seems to be a2 size for me - last printsetting in my list of printsetting inputs).

I have attached my .dyn file. Is there any chance one of you could take a quick look to see if there’s anything obviously wrong??

My “Print PDF” node has been updated (line 64)

I’m using Revit 2017.

I will be leaving the office now but any feedback would be very much appreciated!!

Kind Regards,

P.s. @Alban_de_Chasteigner Have copied you in as amongst many of the threads regarding PDF workflows you also jumped out to me as someone with much more knowledge than myself so possible you’d also have an insight into this.

DYN_PRINT_PDF.dyn (23.0 KB)