Parameterfileterelement.byrules can't set a filter based on a phase

I am trying to greate a filter rule useing the by rule nodes.
it is working fine. the only problem is with phases…
when creating the phase rule… the rules present a pull down menu… and the by rule nodes have a string input so it leaves the input blank.
does anyone know how to solve this… i also tried the value 1 but that doesn;t work

i mean, dumb question probably…

But can you change the equals to “Contains” and then just type in the value that you know it is?

for phases you can’t use contains

Hmm, im not so good at filters.

Maybe where you filterrule.byruletype you try to input the ID of the phase instead of its name im the value.

If that doesnt work, im not at my PC for another 14 hours so someone else probably will need to help.