Opening Revit File in Background with Python

I make this work but it handles one single item as input, I need a list.

import clr

import RevitServices
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager

import Autodesk
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *

doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument
app = doc.Application

filePath = IN[0]
modelPath = ModelPathUtils.ConvertUserVisiblePathToModelPath(filePath)

options = OpenOptions()
options.DetachFromCentralOption = DetachFromCentralOption.DetachAndPreserveWorksets

docOnDisk = app.OpenDocumentFile(modelPath, options)

OUT = docOnDisk

You need to provide a looping mechanism for each action which requires a list. In this context utilizing List Comprehension may be easiest to implement.

The structure is basically this:
variable = [ thingToDo for``item in list ]

You can find lots of good tutorials on this online.

Your first action which needs to loop might look like this (on my phone and my python app wont start so pardon any inaccuracies):

modelPaths = [ ModelPathUtils.ConvertUserVisiblePathToModelPath(path) for path in filePaths ]

I am working on this now too and found this post- so this will not iterate and I dont know why?

Same query solved here:

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yeah I just made a post out of it :slight_smile: working with documents is such a hassle lol. this is really just me learning one step of this as I need a way to get elements from an external document to copy.