Opening & closing of multiple models in background while completing a set of tasks

its empty list cause the directory.content node couldnt find any files within it. Did you download the files from bim360?

no, I did not. I just copy/paste the file path on the pc to BIM360ā€¦ is it a wrong way?

After several tests, is possible to open, detach and save as multiple file in batch with Revit Batch Processorā€¦ It works perfectly, you need the model Guide ID as text

colleagues, Iā€™m sorry if Iā€™m interfering with what you donā€™t needā€¦

in order not to load links when opening a model, you can use transmissiondata, which allows you to configure the unloading of links without opening models.

it will look something like this:
t_data_links_id = t_data.GetAllExternalFileReferenceIds()

for u in t_data_links_id:

refdata = t_data.GetLastSavedReferenceData(u)
if refdata.ExternalFileReferenceType == ExternalFileReferenceType.RevitLink:

	link_ref = refdata.GetPath()
	linktype_ref = refdata.PathType

t_data.IsTransmitted = True
TransmissionData.WriteTransmissionData(path, t_data)


Hi. Can i have a script for this task?
i will appreciate. Thank you