NoModuleFoundError (ezdxf module for reading dxf) Help!

Hello everybody,

I have written a pyhon code in Visual Studio Code, which I would like to test in Dynamo/Revit Environment. In VSC, the code works fine. But in Dynamo I am getting an error that one of the modules is not found. I have searched the internet, tried changing paths etc… without luck. Can anyone help me please? I am stuck.

@shahrasa , did you install Ezdxf with pip first?

I see no errors after:

import clr
import ezdxf as ezdxf

Thank you for the reply.
I am still getting the same error.

I tried ‘pip uninstall ezdxf’ and then ‘pip install ezdxf’ but it is still not working. You dont get any errors?, Can it be that IronPython 2.7 is not compatible with this module?

Begin here:

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I have looked into that post. I am getting an error there… While using the scrip, i see that it trys to use a different path and python version than the one that I am using. I have reinstalled python and every module…still notting

When in doubt, go this route: Customizing Dynamo's Python 3 installation · DynamoDS/Dynamo Wiki · GitHub

I had multiple python versions. I have cleaned it up and reinstalled python and run the script from this post. It worked!. Thank you.

Thank you for this information Jacob, very helpfull.

kind regards, Shah

I thought the message was clear :face_with_peeking_eye: the message just indicates that dynamo must be closed (first initialization completed, install pip etc…) and need restart the same script