MATERIAL MANAGEMENT: assign all materials from a material library to different elements in one shot

Hi everyone!
Since REVIT doesn’t show the materials in the schedule if they are not in use, i’m stucked trying to make in use every single material of my material library in a revit file without adding every material to an element in the project. This would be perfect in order to manage all the material tags, cut and surfaces hatches. What i’m trying to do is assign all the materials to a different element, in this case a generic model sphere family, in order to have a revit file with (example) 104 spheres with my 104 materials in the material library. I’m trying with my own path but i really can’t figured it out, do you think is possible?

Thank you guys in advance.

This is my Dynamo: i’m trying with a random integer to create a combination between my sphere generic model and my materials hoping that the random combination between 103 elements and 103 materials will give me 103 different elements with 103 different materials.

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I don’t understand the logic of randomizing.

Does your family have a material parameter?

Why don’t you take the array of families placed in your model and set the material parameter to use the project materials (“Element.SetParameterByName” node)? This should work as long as the element list and material list lengths match. See image for reference.

In the example posted the “Material” parameter is an instanced parameter.