Hello Forum - I’m running into an issue with Lists and If statements. I tried following the Logic examples from the Dynamo Primer to simplify my issue. When I feed in a list of lists to both True & False, it is giving inconsistent results.
Sometimes it’s keeping the list structure of the shortest list, regardless of the test. Sometimes it’s using a different structure altogether.
Ideally I’d get the same list out of the result that I’m feeding in as the True or False input. I’m working at Level 3 for the lists. Is this a known issue? Thanks, as always for your help!
Example 1: True List is shorter: True test gives desired result, False test gives False list cut down to True list’s count + structure.
True Test
False Test
Example 2: False list is shorter. False test and True test both give results with a new list structure that doesn’t match the True or False input lists
True Test
False Test