List sort by key

Hi all and thanks in advance.
i wanted to sort surfaces based on their areas.
my final values are not correct.Where is my mistake?

u want to sort them by ascending order of their area?

yes. so i can take the max value .

try list.sort node instead of SortIndexByValue node

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i dont get it…

i also trying different levels if something is wrong but i dont get where is the mistake

Can you share your files?

go this way

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which package is that?

DanEDU Dynamo

If all you want is to get the largest area why no just use “List.MaximumItem”?

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to use list.max item i need to convert surface information to area . after the maxitem out put will be a number but i need surface to maniplate later on.

But when you have the maximum area using List.MaximumItem, you can use a simple boolmask to find the surface with that one/multiple with the biggest surfacearea?

i didnt know that also dont know how to

I do not have a surface to show you on, so imagine my lines is your surfaces, and my length is your area:

Using list levels, you can go into the groups of surfaces, if that is what you wish.


exactly the one!