List. Allindicesof give empty list

Can someone tell me why i got empty list here? Is it the reason the form of the number? how can i fix it?

Remove “” from 10 so you dont feed in string

Some understanding of the issue

i have tried with that but still empty list

Try to play with the levels, it looks like a level issue

also tried with all level 1,2,3 :joy:

Theoretically should it works like that but not… For me the object.type is System.double…

very strange

Try it without the

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have tried but stil empty list

I think List.AllIndicesOf requires a hard pairing of data types, meaning you need either integer on both sides (list and item) or doubles on both sides, that is why @sovitek is using the math round, try his solution as it should work


:+1: :+1:

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