JsonData Package

Yep took all the packages out except JsonData - have same result on 2 computers now.

next start removing addins - and please look for green notifications in dynamo’s menu bar. They might help you pinpoint the conflict.

Might be a Revit add-in causing the issue. See if the same happens when using Dynamo Sandbox.

If not, as Michael says try removing add-ins.

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Thanks for all the efforts here!

just about on a clean install and duplicates continue - below are steps tried 1 at a time with duplicates each step.

  • removed all the Revit addins except Dynamo

  • removed all Dynamo packages except jsonData

  • removed all custom Dynamo definitions in \AppData\Roaming\Dynamo\Dynamo Revit\2.0

  • removed all Dynamo logs in \AppData\Roaming\Dynamo\Dynamo Revit\2.0

  • removed all Dynamo bak files in in \AppData\Roaming\Dynamo\Dynamo Revit\2.0

  • Started a new Dynamo graph and placed a single JsonObject.ByKeysAndValues node - save close and reopen and duplicates each time.

My dotNet looks like below - how does that compare to your machine?


@greg_smith I’m not sure why, but tried again on Revit and I could replicate the issue. For some reason Dynamo Sandbox works just find but is Revit messing up things (not surprise there though).

I downgraded the Newtonsoft.Json I was using to 9.0.1 (same as Revit). and the duplication disappeared. I have updated it on the Package Manager to version 2.0.2 so please give it a try and let me know if this solves the problem once and for all :slight_smile:


Yes! that was it…the duplication has stopped. Thanks for following this up is a useful package. :+1:

Sorry for the old topic.

I am tryng to export a JSON as a file for using it in power automate.
Using JsonData package

So, when I run in Dynamo, no problems, it exports a perfect .json file
But, when I use it in the Dynamo Player ( And I need it in the player) is exports a .json with a csv data intead ??

Very weird, its the same .rvt and .dyn file.

Solved here, the problem was the Write.CSV node, it was writing in the same file, altou it was frozen. I removed it.

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is possible to extract geometry from a JSON file?

Well, JSON is simply a data interchange format, so technically if you have an schema to store geometry and some way to parse it into a geometry library, then yes. (something like the ThreeJS schema JSON Geometry format 4 · mrdoob/three.js Wiki · GitHub)

This package by itself doesn’t handle geometry. It is true that while during the same script context, geometry used as values for the JsonObjects remains in memory so it can be used further down the graph, but importing/exporting does not serialise geometry, only primitive values.

Further to what @alvpickmans and for use as a example I have used a JSON structured file as a intermediate file between software(image below of the JSON File as a preview). The whole process extracts the relevant data out of civils 3d relating to pipe networks then parses it into a JSON file. Then this file can be read in the Revit side to automatically create the geometry.

I would highlight that this was not done with any JSON standards relating to geometry(GeoJson).

Video: https://knowledge.autodesk.com/community/screencast/7a0bd93a-fe9b-446e-a4e7-43abcabe94e6

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This is part of what the Data.Remember node does, as the entirety of the data is formatted and stored in the dyn file, which itself is a json file since Dynamo 2.0 (previously it was xml based). :slight_smile: