How to install Dynamo geometry library assemblies?


Dynamo won’t let me create Point.ByCoordinates because the geometry library assemblies are missing (e.g. libg.protointerface.dll missing). I found a website (NuGet Gallery | DynamoVisualProgramming.LibG_227_0_0 where you can download the missing library assemblies, vie the following command:

NuGet\Install-Package DynamoVisualProgramming.LibG_227_0_0 -Version

It says to pase this command into the Package Manager console in Visual Studio, although pasting it into the console gives the following error (the error means that the “Default” project cannot be found on line 1):

NuGet\Install-Package : Das Projekt "Default" wurde nicht gefunden.
In Zeile:1 Zeichen:1
+ NuGet\Install-Package DynamoVisualProgramming.LibG_227_0_0 -Version 2 ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (Default:String) [Install-Package], ItemNotFoundException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NuGetProjectNotFound,NuGet.PackageManagement.PowerShellCmdlets.InstallPackageCommand

Downloading the files directly from the website doesn’t seem to work, because unziping the .nupkg file into the folder where dynamo is located at results in other errors.

Where am I supposed to unzip the .nupkg file to or where am I supposed to paste the command for installing the missing geometry library assemblies?

Hello @PandaTimmy - welcome to the Dynamo Forums! :raised_hands:

Dynamo uses a Geometry Kernel that is references from other Autodesk software, it doesn’t actually ship with it itself. If you do not have one of the softwares listed below, you will unfortunately not be able to access geometry inside of Dynamo :frowning: This is due to the legal licensing agreement on said geometry kernel.

As per the Dynamo primer:

Geometry is an additional functionality in Dynamo Sandbox that is only available to users who have a current subscription or license to the following Autodesk software: Revit, Robot Structural Analysis, FormIt, and Civil 3D. Geometry allows users too import, create, edit and export geometry from Dynamo Sandbox.

LibG is a wrapper around this geometry kernel, a thin layer that allows us to express the geometry API’s (And thus nodes) in a way that is more consumable by users.

The error message you are getting right now is a little strange - but ultimately, without access to our Geometry Kernel (Which will just work if you are building Dynamo and have it installed on your machine) trying to download the NuGet’s will be fruitless.


Thank you Sol Amour :slight_smile:

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In the past i could bypass this by installing Revit without activating it.
So you don’t need to pay.
I don’t know if they bypassed my bypass. :slight_smile: this was a few years ago.