Hi, dynamoer
I have done some search in the forum, and most of the result is to delete the imported cad in the Revit.
But in my case, I’d like to delete all the imported symbol in the families which is in the .rvt ,is it possible to do it by dynamo?
Hi @GoyaToshiko and welcome, yes it should be possible, here is an example where we background open the family and delete the imported cad in the family and load again…you need rhythm and genius loci …hope it could help.

test.dyn (24.2 KB)
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Thanks, @sovitek , that’s exactly what I want, but it seems not to work in my file.
removecad.rvt (1.6 MB)
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hmmm works fine here be sure the categori is furniture in your case, and try insert and transaction end as here…hope it could work…

test.dyn (25.6 KB)
@sovitek , still not working, quite strange, would it be the problem with the Revit or package version? ( I’m using Revit 2022)
anyway thanks for your help.
not sure iha d just test in 2022 and it works, could you show your graph with all nodes expanded…i have these package version installed for 2022…

2022test.dyn (24.6 KB)
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Provide a sample RVT with one family with an import that won’t delete so others can try to help in the same context you’re stuck in. Otherwise people are guessing.
If you can’t post a file here you may use a 3rd part site such as Google drive, Dropbox, onedrive, etc.
We will need to see your whole graph expanded its hard to find out whats wrong without that…btw in 2022 you dont need dynamoironpackage i guess
When I open the test.dyn, some warning occur
Then I update the package to the specified version
or should I update the package to the latest version?
arha you need to install these package, no it should be fine…be sure the categori is furniture instead of detail items, and probably a transaction end after your family load, try that graph i shared in last post 2022test.dyn
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YES! It’s work this time. It is the issue between detail items and furniture.
Another question, if the categories are more than one or all model categories, can I use this node to replace with?
Happy it could work…yeah probably or just use the ootb…
Some trial of adding multiple categories, but it fails at the end
Hi in your first image you will need to give a categori not a family, in the second you try feed all categori , many categori dont have import instances and for sure not material…im not really sure what your goal is here
I apologize for the confusion. My goal in this task is to remove all imported dwg in the families. The trial file I uploaded at first only contained a family in the “furniture” category.
But the actual case is all families from all models categories (etc. lighting fixture, generic model, door, ceiling…)
allright it should be the same way as shown…i dont know how many components you will run at, but keep in mind it can be unstable sometimes with that kind of BG open…you could also try take look into BVN exporter or Birdtool as these addins handle it another way more stable …and then you just can use OOTB nodes for family document…
I’ve tried to get multiple categories in this task, it will work if I just add 3 categories,
but when I want to get more, the warning occurs again.
is List.join a stupid way to do this?
RemoveCAD.dyn (127.9 KB)
RemoveCad.rvt (2.7 MB)
Try only these categories you are sure there have cad import instance, system family doesnt have it…i have never tried with so many categories, i would probably do it categori by categoori one at time, more safe…or do it with birdtool here is an example…first save these families out [can be automated] run the graph via Birdtool on these files load it back again [can be automated]

If you wanna automate export / load families with dynamo then something here could work…
or just do it manuelly as here…for save out and just drag them in again after birdtool run
Thanks again sovitek, it helps me so much
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