Hide all instances of a specific dimension style

Dear Thom,

Please can you tell me which packages i have to install and which versions i have to use.

Is it also possible to get this script in a 2018 revit version or dynamo 1.3.

Please let me know.

Best Regards,

Olaf K.

FYI, the problem with the original script (from 2017) looks to be the lacing on the Unhide node, which is set to shortest. It should have been set to longest like the Hide node was.

The script is for Dynamo 2 and that should work in Revit 2018.

In terms of the packages:
Data-Shapes v.2019.2.30
Bakery v.2019.5.8
Quasar v.2.1.1

As for a 1.3 version: You can try opening it in 1.3 but I donā€™t know how well it would work.

In regards to lacing: The ElementGraphics.HideUnHideElement node is set to Auto for lacing for me right now.

Thank you,
Thom K.

Dear Thom,

Thank you for your info.

Iā€™m trying to rebuild your script to dynamo 1.3.4 and see how it works.

Otherwise I have to fix an error that I have with dynamo 2 running on revit 2018. I got only a white screen when Iā€™m running
dynamo 2 in revit 2018.

That why I want to have it in 1.3.4 because thatā€™s running fine here.

Dynamo 2 is running fine on Revit 2020 here so therefor I will use your script.

Best Regards,


How can i write this code block different in dynamo 1.3.4

Version:0.9 StartHTML:00000097 EndHTML:00000429 StartFragment:00000199 EndFragment:00000391 ā€œHide/Unhide on Sheetsā€;

It seems that this why of writing is new in dynamo 2.0 or am i wrong.

Please let me know

Best Regards


Dear Thom,

I have the script with nodes running but at the end i get 2 errors. How can i solve this. See picture below:


Best Regards,

Olaf K

Okā€¦ I think I see the problemā€¦

In the Categories node, change it from Section Boxes to Sheets.

It may be a versioning issue but Iā€™ve seen that node switch.

-Thom K.

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12 posts were split to a new topic: Nodes disappearing on reopen

Dear @Thom_Krejci, itā€™s being a while that we spoke eachother about this topic. I have a question about this fine script that iā€™m still using.

Do you know a solution to run this script on selected sheets instead of all the sheets that are in a project. Is it possible to get a menu with data shapes to select certain sheets where the dimensions must be unhided or hided. Please let me know

Same person, different account (thanks Autodesk!)

I donā€™t have a solution but this would be my thought process:

  1. Use Data Shapes to select the sheets you want to hide/unhide the dimensions.
  2. Send those sheets to the Get All Views on Sheet node.
  3. Send those views to the hide/unhide function.

Of course, there may be a better way.

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