I have modified Konrads Group Curves to work with points. Maybe if it was modified to find the distance to the nearest point in an group, a lower ignore distance would have worked.
#Copyright(c) 2015, Konrad Sobon
# @arch_laboratory, http://archi-lab.net
#join/group curves
# Changed to work with points by Einar Raknes, 2016
import clr
from Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry import *
def groupPoints(point_list,ignore_distance):
grouped_points = [] #A list that contains point groups
queue = set() #A queue set (contains only unique items)
while point_list:
point_group = [] #A list that contains points that are within the ignore_distance
queue.add(point_list.pop()) # Move the last point from the point_list to our queue
while queue:
current_point = queue.pop() #Get the last item in the queue and remove it from the queue.
point_group.append(current_point) #Add the current point to the point_group
for potential_match in point_list:
distance = current_point.DistanceTo(potential_match)
if distance <= ignore_distance:
point_list = [item for item in point_list if item not in queue] #removes points in queue from point_list
return grouped_points
OUT = groupPoints(IN[0],IN[1])