GetItematIndex not getting item at index

Why doesn’t this pull item 9 from sublist 13 like it does for other indices in the same set of lists?

sublist 12 above it has the same structure and it worked fine

Hi @Greg_McDowell ,

How many items are in those sublists, perhaps your list is shorter than the index you’re trying to pull. Also your List.GetItemAtIndex node is erroring, what is the error?

grrrrrrrreat i’m getting closer

works with sublists 12-15 which each contain only 1 item but fails if i add ask it for items 11-15 where i want a few more items in 11

List 13 from the post above has at least 13 elements and I’m asking for element at index 9.

error claims it’s an issue with the index but i’m not seeing how yet – thinking something to do with lacing perhaps

here it is – have to go back and look at the logic a bit more - mismatch in the number of lists at level 2