Get pattern hatch

hi there,

i would like to get the lines or curves of the pattern of the floor. is this possible?


Not really, no. At least not from the element. A pattern is just an image mapped to a surface. The pattern doesn’t have any geometry to query.

However, if you can access the PAT file, you could theoretically recreate it in Dynamo.


You can easily retrieve the fillpattern properties but this is not enough to generate the pattern.


i havent found a way to work with the pat file
is you know it plz let me know

i know about this method. if you know any more plz let me know

If you know how pattern files are written you could effectively reconstruct this in Dynamo programatically, but not sure if the start point/orientation of a pattern is retrievable. In either case it is highly complex. You’d probably need the matching pat file outside the model to be read as a raw file by dynamo, not from the model

You’re going to have to think outside the box here Wihib - this is where it’s part dynamo, and part thinking like a computational designer to architect a solution.

thank you for you answer.

what ive done is an export dwg. then ive exploded the blocks and linked the file in revit and read the pattern and placed an line based family. quit the methode

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