Get elements from linked file issue

It’s highly likely to be caused by the limitation with Link Instances I explained here:

Unfortunately there are few options for the time being:
Option 1: Copy all elements so they are live in the model (@john_pierson covers this further in the thread above)

Option 2: Edit the source code of Tools.GetSurrondingElements and transform/translate the element Outlines and pass them into the filter (the node uses a filter from the Revit API which requires the element Outline to get any elements whos Oultines also intersect)

Option 3: Await the release of BimorphNodes v2.2 (in a few weeks) which includes BoundingBox.GetElementsIntersect node - it performs the same action as Tools.GetSurrondingElements but it will include a solution to the translation/transformation problems caused by elements derived from linked instances.

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