Gaudi challenge, brain fart

Just a few nodes to create this Roof?

The one with the fewest (custom) Nodes/Lines of Designscript wins and receives a Japanese bow…


I’m not convinced the edge profile is a pure sinusoidal - there appears to be a slight dip where the tangent would be 45 / 135 degrees

Good resource here Schools at the Sagrada Família


Note there is an overhang at the drip, where the plan view of the roof would have a bit of a “speed bump” rather than a flat edge.

Also I personally feel the amplitude might be a little bit off, but I guess that’s a moot point as proportions are variables after all.

You may also want to add an intermediate ‘flat’ to exaggerate the transition point of the waving shape.

p = Point.ByCoordinates (Math.DegreesToRadians((0..(180*8)..10)),(-10..10..#9)<1>,(Math.Sin((-90..(180*8)..10)+(0..90..10)<1>)*(-1.25..1.25..#10))<1>);
GeometryColor.ByGeometryColor(NurbsSurface.ByPoints(Point.ByCoordinates (p.X,(p.Z<-0.6 ? p.Y+(-p.Y*(p.Z)*0.08) : p.Y),p.Z)).Thicken(0.25).Translate(0,0,1.5),Color.ByARGB(255,255,250,200));

This is the reason for the convoluted code :stuck_out_tongue:


Hi Vikram, thats absolutly avesome :wink:

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I’ve posted an article that should hopefully explain the process of creating the geometry better than the two lines posted above.


Great link @Vikram_Subbaiah Japanese bow


Thanks @Marcel_Rijsmus :joy:
Looking forward to more such exercises that provide me topics to elaborate about :wink:

check all your solutions to all of the challenges i posted in the past.
That’s where inspiration for more explanations sleeps

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