Free Dynamo script from a random dude because why not 🍻

Good evening everyone,

I’ve started a personnal challenge last July. The challenge is to recreate the rac_advanced_sample_project model from scratch. However, I can’t use any third party node, Excel, IronPython and Zero Touch Nodes.

This way, I can go back to the roots and rediscover what I’ve learned since 2018/2019 in Dynamo.

The challenge is not finish yet (obviously haha). However, I want to share the advancement of the script so far.

This script was made with Revit 2022 ENU and Dynamo Revit

The group and notes added are in English and in French.

This is what the script will generate using the Project1.rvt file :

  • Grids
  • Levels
  • Floors
  • Roofs
  • Parapets
  • Columns
  • Slab Egdes
  • Exterior Walls
  • Curtains Walls

I hope everyone will find this script fun to play with, educative and for the expert, laughable haha.

Cheers :beers:

Project1.rvt (7.6 MB)
rac_advanced_sample_project.dyn (750.4 KB)