For a different number a different family

i have made my own graph. and i have a question: as you can see in the picture i let dynamo check if the Length of the line is between other numbers. The fist check it isn’t between 10 and 15. but the second check it is between 15 and 25. so the IF node shows that number 7 till 10 is false. beacause in false there is a codeblock with 2. now i want that if its 2 it will make the family where the length is between 15 and 25. I thought maybe i can do at every if a other number for false. so false is 1 with a length between 10 and 15
2 with a length between 15 and 25
3 with a length between 25 and 30
4 with a lenth between 30 and 35
but it will display nr 4 now with the length of 22. that aint a problem if a know to make some nodes where it will make a family with the lowest number. so now with a length of 22 the lowest number is 2. so when its 2 it will pick family 2. but when the length is 26 it will see that the lowest number is 3 and then it will pick family 3. here is a port of the graph visable:

so the codeblock for false is at the first row 1 second row 2 etc.

Its a bit cryptic for me when i read this, but i think you need a dictionary.