Flip instance facing : Multiple


I’m trying to find a node or python code to flip a bunch of doors flipped in the same way to the other way.
I have searched in this forum but I don’t find.
Is it possible to do it in Dynamo?

Hi @JC.Moreno

Do you really mean ALL?


try this: flip_doors.dyn (4.6 KB)

dynamo script:

python code:

doors = UnwrapElement(IN[0])
for door in doors:

OUT = IN[0]



Hi @blsalvio,

Thank you for helping. I would like to use a “select model elements” to flip only the selected doors.

hi @JC.Moreno

You can customize the dynamo script. Just pass list of doors in the input of python :slight_smile:


Ok. Thank you @blsalvio.

I tried using this script and got this error