Hi there! I wanted to take a moment and offer some more information that seems to be leading to these kind of errors.
As zerotouch package authors, we use Nuget quite often. Nuget is a package manager for coding, and the dynamo team shares the binaries for dynamo on there.
Unfortunately, the dynamo team had a bad upload that included a newer binary in the 2.19 version. Orchid referenced that version and it resulted in these errors. (ProtoGeometry 3.0 was included)
The author of orchid actually raised this issue here: Nuget package 2.19 include 3.0 assembly · Issue #3071 · DynamoDS/DynamoRevit · GitHub
So the team is aware and I hope they fix it soon because, to put it simply, it is unfair to single out a specific package for a mistake on the Dynamo team’s part.
Also, orchid has been updated to fix this. So if you get the latest you should be fine.it would actually be really helpful if you could test and verify for the team to see.