Filter list by geometry


I’m trying to fetch some intersection points and ended with a list that also contains some lines. How could I filter the lines out the list?

Hi @rodrigo.bezerraRD5KM ,

There are multiple ways to do this, you could use the node List.RemoveIfNot. (Just make sure the input is the exact name of the point-type, use Object.Type to find out what that exact name is).

However if you are looking for intersection/ closest points you could also use the node Geometry.ClosestPointTo to get better results without having to later filter your results.

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Thank you, @Daan, but I’m don’t know what I’m missing here.

Please see this


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Got it as you were replying. I skipped steps of your first reply.

Thank you so much!

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Glad you got it :smiley: