Filter Independent tags that has no host

Hi all,

I’m trying to collect the Pipe tags that has lost the host at some point.

I tried to connect various Element.Host nodes but I was getting null values and not able to filter them out and remove afterwards.

I’ve decided to collect tagged elements instead. As per my example below, I have 90 independent tags, but 4 of them has no host. Do you have an idea of how I can retrieve these 4 Independent tags?
I know that I’m close and I’m pretty sure I need a couple more nodes to get the result, but I can’t seem to find the right solution,



You can use the IsNull node and FilterByBooleanMask nodes to filter element tags without a host in the various nodes you have tried.

Hi @GavinCrump , thanks for response.

All the tags (even the ones without the host) have the same value ‘null’.

So I’m not quite sure of how I can filter them out if all the values are the same?

Element.Host nodes are generally for doors/windows etc. TaggedElement is usually the one you’d want to use. Does it return the host even when orphaned?

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Just to have a better picture regarding my problem:

I’ve added a tag to an element in a linked model. The linked element was later deleted from the linked model. So the tag actually became orphaned.

By asking the question you helped me solve the problem. Tag IsOrphaned node did exactly what I was looking for. Now I’m able to select and remove orphaned tags from the complex drawings with a few clicks.

I guess that my topic and problem description was not quite clear. I should have asked about orphaned tags instead.

But on the other hand, I was not familiar with the word orphaned as I never had this kind of issue before.

Thanks @GavinCrump !

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