Ok, I will try to fix them. Thank you very much!
- Disable all geometry preview up unitl the first node with a warning.
- expand the data preview of all nodes connected to the first node with a warning, and the first node with a warning.
- Export the canvas as an image after zooming in with the data previews expanded
- Copy the warning to your clipboard (use graph node manager, available in the extension tab to do this)
- post the preview geometry, the exported canvas, and warning
My guess is your have 3 curves meeting at one point, which is a no-no. Likely the DWG doensât have this, so moving back into a ârun a prep method to extract the data in the native DWG format so polycurve data is not lostâ is the easy way forward.
for info, Revit import Cad curves as PolyLine
, we can get them directly
import clr
import sys
import System
# Add references
from Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry import *
import Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry as DS
import Autodesk
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *
import Autodesk.Revit.DB as DB
# Add references to 'RevitNodes' and 'RevitServices' for Revit-specific functionality
import Revit
import RevitServices
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager
doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument
def purge_points(coords_xyz):
out_pts = []
for c_xyz in coords_xyz:
if all(p.DistanceTo(c_xyz) > 0.001 for p in out_pts):
return out_pts
def get_Curves_from_CAD(importinstance, lst_layerName=[]):
datas = []
opt = Options()
# get the geometry of the import instance
geoSet = importinstance.get_Geometry(opt)
for geo in geoSet:
if isinstance(geo, GeometryInstance):
for g in geo.GetInstanceGeometry():
if isinstance(g, DB.PolyLine):
# get the graphics style and name of the current polyline
gStyle = doc.GetElement(g.GraphicsStyleId)
gstyleName = gStyle.GraphicsStyleCategory.Name
# check if the layer name is in the specified list
if gstyleName in lst_layerName:
purge_coordinates = purge_points(g.GetCoordinates())
# create a DesignScript polycurve from the polyline
ds_polycurve = DS.PolyCurve.ByPoints([p.ToPoint() for p in purge_coordinates], True)
return datas
importinstance = UnwrapElement(IN[0])
lst_layerName = IN[1]
OUT = get_Curves_from_CAD(importinstance, lst_layerName)
Good morning! I have tried again with this script, after adjusting the geometry. It works, but it seems that you have to repeat it for every single polygon (in this case I tried 3). Is there a way to select them all at the same time?
I solved it. I had not noticed an error in the script. Thanks again to everyone!
I have another matter to resolve. Why is it that once the script is executed, when I close dynamo, the objects created disappear?
you have to use DynamoPlayer
For now, I donât know how to do as previously said, recurrence and python are too complicated for my current skills